Thursday, 31 October 2013


 Further to my promise, here is a second part of the serialization of the preface...enjoy...

...The book also shows the secret which is contained in meditating upon the yoke of Christ until you reach purity of mind while achieving the righteousness of Christ. You then focus upon the word of God until you see yourself in the kingdom of God. You then meditate on this realm as the realm of causes and see yourself acting on any cause that will manifest in what you really want.
But the book goes deeper in that, it takes us back to the Garden of Aden. It demonstrates that the Garden of Aden was in the mind. It also shows how man's spirit died at the Garden of Aden. It demonstrates how this death occurred. It also shows how Satan tricked man into eating of the forbidden fruit through the lower self or the natural man. It shows how this lower self of the duality of man is the wide way that leads to the kingdom of Satan. It also exposes this kingdom, as the writer believes that evil must be understood in order to be completely eradicated.
 All in all, the book shows that mind is the master. Mind is all that matters and when we have achieved the ability to utilize it correctly and effectively, then we shall truly decree a thing and it shall be established unto us, for then we shall have been able to obtain the key to the secret place of the Most High.
The book goes to great lengths to show that just like Truth, there is only one mind- the Mind of God. This will tend to surprise many but you will need to read the book and see how our consciousness is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for our thought forces and through this consciousness, we focus our thought forces to the Mind of God, either consciously or unconsciously and receives our hearts desires through the manifestation of the objects of our desires.
The book also shows that man's greatest challenge is in the fact that the two dualities in him are not in harmony. It shows how it is that you cannot serve both of them at the same time- God and mammon or higher and lower, but must either serve the one or neglect the other.
Above all, the importance of this book is to show the implication of grasping, in Truth and in Spirit, the reality of utilizing the Mind and understanding that Mind constitutes the real world that controls and shape our physical world. This means that in the mind is the world of causes and in the physical is the world of effects.
If you read and truly understand the information contained in this book, you will have come to a very vital, conscious realization that there is a genius in each and every one of us, including you, who does but sleep, waiting for you to stir him up and give him commands; where his only answer is that, “your wish is my command.” You will also have come to discover how you are able to utilize this genius in you and how you can go out there and participate in bringing real, positive change to the entire world as you bring change to yourself. You will have discovered how you are truly the master of your own destiny and as the captain of your own soul, you will be able to enter at will, into the realm of causes- the realm of the spirit and focusing your thought forces on your royal robe, which is the Spirit of Christ in you, to the Mind of Christ in you, you will be able to achieve anything you have ever desired in your life.
I wrote this book under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the first two weeks of writing the first draft of the manuscript, I was engaged in a fast with only water and occasional cup of tea for the period. I then engaged in another month of an on and off fast as I worked on refining the manuscript.
In the course of all this, I was given a new interpretation on the meaning of the parable of the prodigal son. I was shown in the spirit that man is the prodigal son who was given his inheritance which is the Spirit of God in man. He then went to a far away country in the lower self, where he squandered his inheritance in engaging on folly things in attending to the desires of the body. When he had squandered all the inheritance which is when the spirit had totally relegated, he was in want and was given a job to heard swine, as Satan has nothing better to offer. He then came back to himself in the sacrifice of the Christ. He went back to his father’s house and when the father saw him from a far distance, went to meet him and ordered that he is dressed in a fine robe which is our royal robe- the Spirit of Christ which gives us the right to be called the children of God. He then removed his signet ring and gave to him, which is the Mind of Christ in us- the key to the kingdom of God within us. He then ordered the slaughter of the fattened calf, which signifies abundance in the kingdom of God and called his friends to come celebrate with him for his son was dead and now is alive. This signifies witnessing and re-grafting into the body of Christ...

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I have decided to do a serialization of my latest yet to be published book to give you guys a glimpse on what the book is about. Just a little tasting on the pudding, I'd say...


It all started in the church years ago. I would be invited to motivate men in our men’s fellowships and advise them on how to start up a business and drive it to the realm of success.
To many, I was the perfect example of a successful businessman amongst the Kenyan community in the United Kingdom. I had discovered a niche in the car washing industry and introduced the concept of washing cars in car parks whilst the owners went shopping, back in the early nineties. This concept had developed very quickly throughout Britain and had spread out like wild fire, providing employment to thousands of people today.
In time, I moved from one business to another and every business I started would thrive so well that it appeared like everything I touched turned into gold. As my business thrived, my life- style changed for the better. I bought a state- of- the- art brand new four bedroom town house, fully equipped with music surround system in every room, including the bathrooms and toilets, in a small town in Gravesend, Kent. I drove a state- of- the- art Range Rover Vogue. My children were in private schools. I was, therefore, seemingly comfortable.
Mark you this was in the UK.
What a lot of people did not realise was that I was struggling to understand the knowledge to act on my causes through my thought forces. I knew that there was a secret that would make me extremely wealthy if only I fully understood its concept. But what I had so far learned had enabled me to just merely achieve the success I reflected. To a lot of people, this would appear like the ultimate achievement inhering in self actualization, but I knew that I had hardly scratched the surface, yet the results so far were amazing.
Initially, I believed that the secret was contained in setting my entire mind totally to the task at hand without necessarily focusing on the profit, but performing on the task to the best of my ability that there was nothing left to be desired. I am a firm believer of the fact that if you are to do a task, do it with all your mind; with all your heart and with all your strength that, even if you did not do your very best, there is nothing you did not do that anyone else would come and do, better than what you did. Although this worked just fine, but I had a feeling that there was more to working hard by somehow utilizing the power of my mind in the achievement of the things I desired in life.
I was to, however, later on, hit on the real vein of the knowledge that made me realize that there was more to life than just working hard. I knew that there was a way I could utilize the mind to be in control of all I desired, as my elder brother, the Christ had promised and demonstrated. I had also come to understand, through research and observation, that there were a chosen few who had mastered the art of achieving so much without too much physical effort. Yet, the bible tells us that God is not a respecter of persons.
I also knew that motivational books were trying to tell us something when they told us that we had the potential which, if well utilized, could make us achieve anything we wanted in life. They did not, however, completely tell us exactly how to tap into this potential in a way we could all understand, or what this potential exactly was. They also did not tell those of us who are born again Christians whether this was biblical. In many cases, reading these motivational books left those of us, who aspired for the kingdom of God, more confused than when we first began reading these books.
In most motivational books, different writers would narrate a success story of the writer or one of the successful businessmen in the world and would point out that these people had succeeded through the use of their mind. The motivational writers would then inform us that if we used the power of our mind, we could also realize our every dreams and goals in our life.
But they never quite told us or me for that matter, exactly how to utilize this power of the mind!
I therefore decided to embark on a journey in the quest, through research and study, on how I could utilize my mind in a biblical perspective to achieve anything I desired in life. The journey took me through Astronomy to the study of the smallest in quantum mechanics also known as spiritual science, to the study of neural science as well as the science of thought and the bible. The results? The principles contained in this book.
So, basically, the book is meant to motivate the leader and take you through the bible while dissecting on the human being in a “know thyself” tour to understand our two personalities- spirit and nature and how they apply in the success or failure in our lives; that is, how they make or mar our lives. It is meant to show the leader the God given power that we posses within us and how we may tap into it without jeopardizing our salvation.
The book shows how this is biblical, by including the relevant verses, and also shows why this is important to us. It also discusses in great depths on the doctrine of Paul in all his books in the bible and exposes the teaching of Paul which he gave to the gentiles in Europe and helped turn the continent into the success story it is today.
The book shows how the kingdom of God is within us and how to literally attain it through our thought forces by meditating upon the Spirit and Mind of Christ which has been given to us and which otherwise lays dormant within us. It also shows how we were fed with baby food and milk, just like the Corinthians and are therefore not able to attain to righteousness leave alone utilize our ability to call upon things that are not as if they were, our otherwise inherent right. The majority of us worship a god who is out there whereas the Supreme God lives within us. The danger to worshiping a god who is out there is in that that kind of a god is not omnipresent which is contrary to the God of the bible.
 This book is set to show the reader how we are consciously able to seek first and enter into the kingdom of God at will, by understanding that we have been given the Spirit and Mind of Christ; which gives us the right and the key to the secret place of the Most High respectively, and how "all other things are added unto us" in that when we have entered into the kingdom of God  by the Mind of Christ in us which is the signet ring given to us by our Father; and in the power of the Spirit of Christ which is our royal robe, we are then able to come into the realm of causes and are enabled to act on all causes in the declaration of Christ that, "what thing soever ye shall desire, when ye pray, believing, it shall be given unto thee" which fulfills this promise of the Master.

Kindly be on the look out for the next serialization in a few days...

Monday, 14 October 2013


Joe Mwai: ABOUT MY BOOK: Many thanks to all of you who have shown an interest in the excerpts from my yet to be published book. Basically, the book touches on our tw...


Many thanks to all of you who have shown an interest in the excerpts from my yet to be published book. Basically, the book touches on our two personalities- spirit and nature. It also discusses in great depths on the doctrine of Paul in all his books in the bible and exposes the teaching of Paul which he gave to the gentiles in Europe. It shows how the kingdom of God is within us and how to attain it through our thought forces by meditating on the Spirit and Mind of  Christ which has been given to us and which otherwise lays dormant within us. It also shows how we were fed with baby food and milk, just like the Corinthians and are therefore not able to attain to righteousness. This is so in that the majority of us worship a god who is out there whereas God is within us.

 The book is set to show how we are consciously able to seek first and enter into the kingdom of God, by understanding that we have been given the Spirit and Mind of Christ, and how "all other things are added unto us" in that when we have entered into the kingdom of God  by the Mind of Christ in us which is the signet ring given to us by our Father and in the power of the Spirit of Christ which is our royal robe, we then come into the realm of causes and are then able to act on all causes in the "what things soever ye shall desire" which fulfills the promise of the Christ.
But the book goes deeper in that, it takes us back to the Garden of Aden. It demonstrate that the Garden of Aden was in the mind. It also shows how man's spirit died at the Garden of Aden. It demonstrate how this death occurred. It also shows how Satan tricked man into eating of the forbidden fruit through the lower self or the natural man. It shows how this lower self of the duality of man is the wide way that leads to the kingdom of Satan.
 All in all, the book shows that mind is the master. Mind is all that matters and when we have achieved the ability to utilize it correctly and effectively, then we shall truly decree a thing and it shall be established unto us, for then we shall have been given the key to the secret place of the Most High.

The book also shows that man's greatest challenge is in the fact that the two dualities in him are not in harmony.
Above all, the importance of this book is to show the implication of grasping, in Truth and in Spirit, the reality of utilizing our mind and understanding that the mind constitutes the real world that controls and shape our physical world. This means that in the mind is the world of causes and in the physical is the world of effects.
The book also point out to the fact that, as there is only one Truth, there is only one Mind- the Mind of God. We use our thought forces, through our divinity- our consciousness, to impress on this Mind, the objects of our desires.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


"In this knowledge and understanding, we shall no more be bothered by effects for we shall come to know that effects are in the past whilst we live in the future- in the realm of causes. Therefore, we shall focus on causes to determine our future. In this way, we shall not suffer want for God shall supply us with all our needs according to His riches in glory."

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Deep thinkers and seekers of truth the world over have given us the impression that the creation of the universe is actually the realization of the Absolute. This reality which could be easily ignored is, however, the basis upon which humanity, since time immemorial, has believed in the existence of a higher being as the creator of our universe. Today, even those people who proclaim atheism still claim to believe in nature or science; that is, in the created. Most profanely acclaim the worship of the universe to the worship of God.