Sunday, 12 October 2014


Our credulity in matters spiritual maybe be seen to be on trial in the assimilation of the above statement, which may be seen to be mind boggling and totally incredulous for one to even contemplate. It would even precipitate the notion of casting a stone at the apparent sinful blogger.
It would take humanity a deep sense of their imagination to understand the concept of this reality; “for how can mortal man, limited by time and space, assume the adepts of the all knowing mind?” one would wonder.
But my blogs will reveal insights that points us to a new reality; the awakening of mind, which shows us that we are actually not limited by time and space, in the real spiritual sense.
This reality is made possible by the fact that we are in actual fact spiritual beings. Since there is only one Spirit that permeates the entire Universe, in which we live and move and have our being, then it may be understood how it is that we are more than mortal beings and are a part of this Spirit by extension, though individualised.
A deeper analysis of this spiritual postulate reveals that we are indeed, from both a scientific as well as religious perspective, one with the Universal Spirit of All Life (reference is hereby made to my previous blogs).
Science tells us that the smallest particle element that makes all matter, known as Quark, contains pockets, or vortices of energy in its most pure form. The discipline also tells us that this energy is everywhere present, all powerful as well as all knowing. It is said to permeate the entire Universe. Since it is energy in its most pure form, it means that the energy is all powerful. It is also said to constitute intelligence to know the particles of similar charge, to join with, to form into all the different matter that surrounds us in the entire Universe. It is therefore safe to say that this Energy is Omnipresence, Omnipotence as well as Omniscience. Science goes a step deeper to tell us that through this energy, we live and move and have our being.
Since the bible tells us that the Spirit of God is All Powerful, everywhere present as well as all knowing, it means that there is no difference between what the Bible tell us about God and what science is telling us about the Energy in the Universe.
Since this Energy/ Spirit is all knowing, it is safe to say that this Spirit is Mind. This explains, in a holistic way, how we live and move and have our being in Mind through this Spirit/ Energy, as the Bible also tells us that through God or the Spirit of God, we live and move and have our being.
But the Bible too goes a bit further than just telling us that we live and move and have our being in the Spirit of God, in that it tells us that we have the attribute of this Spirit. And who can dispute this immutable fact! For whereas the Energy in the Universe thinks, to determine the energy to form with to create all the varied matter in the Universe, we equally think to advance ourselves in the manner witnessed the world over, today.
The ability of this energy to know the kind of energy to join with to create matter is its ability to think. Equally, our consciousness gives us the ability to think, hence all the advancement witnessed the world over, as explained above.
Since it is clear that reality is the product of our thinking, it becomes very clear that thinking is the only reality there is. It is therefore true that we live in Mind!


Our credulity in matters spiritual maybe be seen to be on trial in the assimilation of the above statement, which may be seen to be mind boggling and totally incredulous for one to even contemplate. It would even precipitate the notion of casting a stone at the apparent sinful blogger.
It would take humanity a deep sense of their imagination to understand the concept of this reality; “for how can mortal man, limited by time and space, assume the adepts of the all knowing mind?” one would wonder.
But my blogs will reveal insights that points us to a new reality; the awakening of mind, which shows us that we are actually not limited by time and space, in the real spiritual sense.
This reality is made possible by the fact that we are in actual fact spiritual beings. Since there is only one Spirit that permeates the entire Universe, in which we live and move and have our being, then it may be understood how it is that we are more than mortal beings and are a part of this Spirit by extension, though individualised.
A deeper analysis of this spiritual postulate reveals that we are indeed, from both a scientific as well as religious perspective, one with the Universal Spirit of All Life (reference is hereby made to my previous blogs).
Science tells us that the smallest particle element that makes all matter, known as Quark, contains pockets, or vortices of energy in its most pure form. The discipline also tells us that this energy is everywhere present, all powerful as well as all knowing. It is said to permeate the entire Universe. Since it is energy in its most pure form, it means that the energy is all powerful. It is also said to constitute intelligence to know the particles of similar charge, to join with, to form into all the different matter that surrounds us in the entire Universe. It is therefore safe to say that this Energy is Omnipresence, Omnipotence as well as Omniscience. Science goes a step deeper to tell us that through this energy, we live and move and have our being.
Since the bible tells us that the Spirit of God is All Powerful, everywhere present as well as all knowing, it means that there is no difference between what the Bible tell us about God and what science is telling us about the Energy in the Universe.
Since this Energy/ Spirit is all knowing, it is safe to say that this Spirit is Mind. This explains, in a holistic way, how we live and move and have our being in Mind through this Spirit/ Energy, as the Bible also tells us that through God or the Spirit of God, we live and move and have our being.
But the Bible too goes a bit further than just telling us that we live and move and have our being in the Spirit of God, in that it tells us that we have the attribute of this Spirit. And who can dispute this immutable fact! For whereas the Energy in the Universe thinks, to determine the energy to form with to create all the varied matter in the Universe, we equally think to advance ourselves in the manner witnessed the world over, today.
The ability of this energy to know the kind of energy to join with to create matter is its ability to think. Equally, our consciousness gives us the ability to think, hence all the advancement witnessed the world over, as explained above.
Since it is clear that reality is the product of our thinking, it becomes very clear that thinking is the only reality there is. It is therefore true that we live in Mind!

Saturday, 11 October 2014


I have in my previous blogs talked about mind as our only reality.
Based on the diversity of the subject, I shall, from time to time, revert back to arm my readers with more insights on deeper knowledge in the divergence of the subject.
Arming ourselves with more knowledge in the subject propels our propensity in our faith on the reality of Spirit to very great dimensions.
It gives us a deeper meaning in the vital realization that mind is the only reality there is. Taken in its full context, this means that all is mind.
The insights which becomes more apparent through the adaptation of self- abnegation in the renunciation of self  leads us to the truth that mind, which evolves ideas forms into what we term as reality.
Ideas express themselves as thoughts and words.
If we consider that everything in the realm of the physical has its origin from thought, we see clearly how true it is that thought is the foundation upon which our reality lies- the fount of our being. Since these thoughts have their origin in the formation of ideas in mind, then we can see how true the above statement on the reality of mind is.
A deeper analysis on the implication of this fact will show us that since reality is the product of our thinking, then it is correct to say that we exist in Mind. It is therefore safe to say that in Mind, we live and move and have our being.

Friday, 15 August 2014


Every outward trial is the replica of an inward imperfection. Thou shalt grow wise by knowing this, and shall thereby transmute trial into active joy, finding the Kingdom where trial cannot come. When wilt thou learn thy lessons, O child of the earth? All thy sorrows cry out against thee; every pain is thy just accuser, and thy griefs are but the shadows of thy unworthy and perishable self. The Kingdom of Heaven is thine and is in thee; how long wilt thou reject it, preferring the lurid atmosphere of Hell- the hell of thy self- seeking self?
The redeemed sons of God, the glorified in body and spirit, are "bought with a price," and that price is the cricifixion of the personality, the death of self; and having put away that within which is the source of all discord, they have found the universal Music, the abiding joy.

                                                                      Extracts from James Allen's book, "All these things Added."

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


One of the most disturbing verses that has baffled both believers and none believers, in equal measure, is the one found in the Book of Act 10:34, which says that God is not a respecter of persons.
It has appeared ironical that this verse says so, yet it is evidently so apparent that God has favored some people as well as some countries more than others.
The justification has mostly been used to show that the ones who are enjoying success here on earth have already had their reward and that those others who are languishing in abject poverty would enjoy theirs when they go to heaven, especially those from the believers part of the domain.
Most of the have nots may even go to the extent of justifying their reasons for lack, as based on their faith and that the haves have acquired their wealth through dubious means and or that they worship their wealth.
While there may appear some truths in some of the exceptional cases, but the general truth is to the contrary, according to the same Book that guide us to our salvation.
We see how God blessed His chosen ones and even went to the extent of blessing one, Solomon, to become the wisest and wealthiest man that ever lived.
But I have received insights on how true it is that God is not a respecter of persons, in that we all have been endowed with the wisdom of Solomon.
In my new insights, I have come to understand that Solomon first understood his connection with God through his mind.
He realized the Mind of Christ in him through the knowledge of his subjective mind.
He also understood the power bestowed upon him in his objective mind, through its ability of free- will.
He understood that the subjective part of his mind is the Gene of the Aladdin's lamp, which is gifted to each and everyone of us, whose only answer to any command, through the object of desire imaged to it from the objective mind is, "your wish is my command," as it mirrors the object of our desire to the Mind of God who in His grace and mercy, projects it as physical manifestation- behold our prayers are answered.
Solomon understood that this Gene of the Aladdin's lamp in each human being is the Mind of Christ in us.
Solomon may have understood that as long as he concentrated, in his objective mind, thoughts that were in line with what he really desired in his life, he would get its manifestation through the above process.
The understanding of the process of achieving anything you desire, through concentration of thought, to the object of desire, is the highest form of wisdom that any man can attain.
It is also so simple that it does not matter the level of IQ or any form of intelligence.
The only requirement is for one to think of the thing they desire and block any other form of thought at any given moment.
This form of thinking on the object of desire is known as focusing. Consistent focusing is attained through concentration. Unrelenting concentration is what we call meditation. Meditation is seeing the image of thought in the mind- objective mind.
This is all there is to the attainment of our goals, the realization of our dreams. This process of achieving any object of our desire is realized through the observation of a set of principles that govern our thought system through the law of cause and effect.
In order to fully utilize the full potential of this wisdom of Solomon, you must understand fully that there is war to be waged, fought and won in your mind. This is the war of constantly blocking thoughts that are not relevant to the object of your desire, always, by bringing your mind to the object of what you really desire, any time that the mind derail and follows the negative or the unimportant thoughts that are sure to present themselves to your mind.
These detractors are the enemy that David in the Book of Psalms, says that they are trying to pull him down.Equally, these are your enemies that want to pull you down from attaining your goals. These are the actual evil spirits that are sent to prevent you from dwelling in the House of the LORD, under the shadow of His Wings.
On the contrary, as you master the art of focusing your mind purely on the object of your heart's desire, the Christ in you kicks in and guides you into greater Truth through what scientists call intuition.
This intuition as we see from my earlier blogs is also what is referred to as the sixth sense, the voice of reason as well as the voice of God.
It is based in our inner mind and is available to anyone who aims their focus solely on the object of their desire.
The simplicity of the attainment of this wisdom is based on the fact that anybody can think. We are all thinkers, whether we refer to ourselves as deep thinkers or not, but mind must think. The thinking is the planting of the seeds of our thoughts into the fertile soil of our objective mind. The focusing of our thoughts to the object of our desire and the resisting of any other thoughts is the tilling of the farm of our objective mind to weed out the negative thoughts that want to grow in the stead of the seeds we have planted. The concentration is the watering of the seed in the soil of mind.
The principle that governs the system of thinking to the attainment of our desires through the law of cause and effect is sure and unerring. This principle is guided by the same system of governance that is witnessed throughout the universe, from the mere speck of dust to the largest star. This system of governance, through the application of Law, is responsible for the majestic rolling of the trillions upon trillions of the stars that are in constant motion throughout space, carrying with them their respective systems of planets that revolve around them; the vast nebulae displayed in the night sky either as indistinct bright patches or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter; the seas upon seas of meteors in their orderly free fall in space; coupled with the vast number of comets constantly shooting in deep space; all traveling through the illimitable space of our universe; with inconceivable velocity; each following a system of law. in such an orderly manner that leaves no room for error.
Such is the system of governance into the way of our thinking, of which the strength of our wisdom in the application, is the measure of the success in the manifestation of our goals.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Intuition is ignited in the process of focusing our thoughts to our mind. It is in this realm that this voice of reason abides. As we focus on the nature of our thoughts, we find that the altruism of this voice of God kicks to life and guide our thoughts, focused on mind, to greater truth for the common good of all humanity; leading us to the discoveries of more truth on the nature of things.

Friday, 25 July 2014


It is today being revealed, with a mathematical exactitude that leaves no room for error, that genius lies in each one of us, in the form of this princess of indescribable splendor and magnanimity, also referred to as intuition, who just but sleeps in us, waiting to be stirred from slumber to lead us in the way of discovery and invention as well as the masterly of art, that the world may be a better place because each one of us lived in it and allowed ourselves to dream in staying our thought forces focused on mind.
The simplicity of genius in us entices anybody who cares to search, in the confines of our secluded places- our thought forces, after peering through with their minds' eye, to see her in her true radiance, arms outstretched, with a crown of greatness on her forehead, inscribed with wooing words  that says, "come to me, I am thine,"