Last Sunday would have gone on like any other usual business day. I had visited Mai Mahiu, an upcoming town in the Great Lift Valley of Kenya.
I was in the company of a long time friend whom I had not seen in about twenty five years. We had accidentally bumped into each other the previous day and after a short chat, had told him I was interested in a large farm of a bout 100 acres in the Mai Mahiu area for a solar harvesting project I was involved in.
So, later in the evening of that fateful Saturday, my Friend Kabui, called me with exciting news that he had found a land owner with the exact kind of land I was looking for. Furthermore, Kabui informed me that the farm was within the vicinity of the town. We agreed that he would set up a meeting with the owner and get back to me.
On Sunday afternoon, just as I was heading to my mothers home, I received a call from Kabui that the land owner was on his way to Mai Mahiu and would be glad to meet me in Limuru, on his way.
I was quite excited at the turn of events and asked him to confirm that I would meet his friend once he arrived in Limuru.
I was later introduced to Mr. Kiragu and was told he was the son of a former member of parliament, the late Frederick Kubai. I did not put much to this piece of information but I suggested, after a brief discussion that it would be good for me to visit the farm as Mr. Kiragu was headed there and being in Limuru, it would take us less than half an hour to get there.
We set of for Mai Mahiu and arrived in the farm precisely in half an hours time. We went to the fasrm and I was happy with what I saw. After going round the entire farm, Mr. Kiragu suggested we go to their hom, situated in the farm. We all agreed and set off.
When we went to their paratial home, being on a Sunday, we only found his son. It was, however, while we were inside the house that I saw one of the wall hangings a picture of the Kapenguria seven. I then saw a certificate given to Frederick Polwarth Kubuthu Kubai, EBS, CBS popularly known as Fred Kubai.
I was gob-struck to say the least. It was at this point that I realized I was in the Homestead of one of the greatest freedom fighters of our country!
His son took us to see his late father's mausoleum in the back yard. It is here that I leanred that it had been turned , by the Kneya Government in a national museum.
Am a self educating student in the school of some of the greatest minds of our time including James Allen, Napoleon Hill, etc. Inspired to share knowledge gained in the masterly of thought forces with other people. I did not reach out for these insights, but were given to me through my divinity that I may share with those who also aspire for such knowledge.
Thursday, 30 January 2014
As man continue to unravel the mysteries found in the mastery of his own creation, one thing continues to beat all logic; that reality which makes us unique is a very tiny window contained only in this present second, which is our today, after which the previous second is history, our yesterday, stored in our memory and the next second is our future, our tomorrow, contained in our vision.
This means that our consciousness which make us living beings, is contained in a very tiny miniscule expressed in a timescale of a second.
It follows, therefore that, this second, our today, if well lived, makes every previous second, our yesterday, a dream of happiness and every next second, our tomorrow, a vision of hope. We are therefore advised to look well to this second, our today, for herein lies the foundation of our happiness or our misery.
In this our today, therefore, lies the basis of our mortality, which pertains to our physical nature. Whereas this is as true as day is to night, in our consciousness where our realm of thought is contained- in our mind, is our immortality; for in so dwelling in this realm of thought, time loses meaning and we become one with the timeless Deity.
In immortality, the miniscule expressed in the timescale of a second that gives us our mortal reality is stretched, or in other words, inflated without limit, to give us our immortality. Thus, as in the suggestions made by physicists, on time travel, through the enlargement of the tiny wormholes, by a factor of many trillions, over their original size, our today, which is contained in this second is enlarged by the most powerful machine in the entire universe, our mind, in all dimensions to reach infinity, hence giving us our immortality.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
But why should all creation be affected by effects of the actions of the human race, which constitutes a very small percentage of the matter in all creation?
A deep analysis on how fearfully and wonderfully we are made, shows that since we have the Spirit of God, through Christ, in us, we have inherited the omnipresence of our God. This is so in that we have the Spirit of Christ “…who fills everything in every way,” according to Ephesians chapter one verse twenty three. It is therefore in this regard that through our sinning, we have upset the symmetry of creation which in turn, subjects it into pain and travail.
On the other hand, if our spirit is hidden in Christ who fills everything in ever way, and who ascended above the highest heavens in order to fill the entire universe, in the company of our spirit which He had just rescued from the lowest depth, according to Ephesians chapter four, then we understand how we also, through Christ, fills everything in every way, which explains why our sinning subjects the whole universe to pain and travail.
The inheritance of the Spirit of Christ in us, which is hidden in heaven with Christ, according to Colossian chapter three verses one to three, also gives us our immortality. In our immortality then, we become one with the Immortal God. Since, as we have just found out that we are omnipresent in Christ, it follows that we must also be omnipotent as well as omniscient!
It is through the control of our thought forces, which Paul advise us to focus on higher things that we are able to attain to these attributes.
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