Wednesday, 5 March 2014


In my previous blog, yesterday, I used the definition of evil, according to James Allen, as the passing shadow, thrown by the intercepting self, across a transcendent Form of the Eternal Good.
I also introduced the aspect of peering deep beyond the physical, into our God- like nature, with what I termed as the spiritual eye.
It is through this spiritual eye that we found the voice of reason also referred to as intuition, guiding us into the realm of the kingdom of God, through the concentration of our thought forces. It is then that the advise of Christ comes to life, where he asks us to find the kingdom of God first and all other things will be added to us.
Since intuition or the voice of God is a small still voice found in our mind, it shows the importance of Paul's advise, in Colossians 3: 2 where he asks us to set our mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth, that we find the true meaning of his statement.
In essence, Paul is asking us to direct  our mind on things that are above in the realm of the unseen and not on things of the earth- the seen.
This is confirmed by his advise, again in 2 Corinthians 4: 18, where he tells us that the seen is temporary and the unseen eternal.
These statements are scientifically confirmed in the law of cause and effect. In this law, the cause of what we see in the physical- the effects originates from the unseen- the cause which is eternal.
So, through our way of thinking, we become and are. This means that what we are inside ourselves in our realm of thought, so is our world as it manifests into the physical.
James Allen, says that everything in the universe is resolved into our own inward experience and that it matters little what is without as it is a reflection of our own state of consciousness.
This means that, as we saw yesterday, in my blog titled "What is this Evil?" the way we are physically, is literally a reflection of what we are inside.
The  molding material that shapes us into the physical is found in our thoughts, desires and aspirations. Therefore, according to James, all that there is in the universe of beauty and joy and bliss, or of ugliness and sorrow and pain is contained within us.
It is therefore a fact of life that by our own thoughts, we make or mar our world.
But how can this be the case? We may ask. It is the case in that our thoughts which forms through desire, concentration as well as visualization are based on our mental attitude. Hence Jesus assurance that What thing soever we shall desire, when we pray, believing, it shall be given to us ( Mark 11: 24).
If our mental attitude is positive, our thoughts are equally positive and results in our physical blessings in the "what thing soever." On the other hand, if our thoughts are negative, we receive a curse, in the same token of, "what thing soever."
As we found out yesterday, positive and negative are the scientific terms of good and evil in a theological perspective, respectively.
It is therefore a theological as well as scientific and philosophical fact that whatsoever you harbor in your inmost chambers of your heart will, sooner or later, by what James call the inevitable law of reaction, manifest in your outward life.
In these facts, we can start to understand through Paul, in Romans 7: 14- 25, how we are sold as slaves to sin making us, like Paul, do the things we do not want to do and not being able to do the things we would like to do through the law of sin.
This is so in that since sin entered the world, we became sinful by nature. But we must understand that this sin, entered and still enters through our thoughts.
Our thoughts in turn govern our actions in life. It therefore becomes clear why it is that there is no action from man but originates from thought. These actions produce fruits based on the nature of their origin; if the thoughts are good or noble, they produce joy, if they are bad or ignoble they produce suffering. And so, Paul finds, in Roman 7: 21 that, when he wants to do good, evil is right there with him. In his inner being, he delights in God's law, but he comes to find that there is another law at work in his members of his body, waging war against the law of his mind and making him a prisoner of the law of sin at work within him.
This was obviously before he had come to understand the principles of Christ contained in His yoke. It is after he understands these principles that we see him now liberated, in Romans 12: 2, asking us not to conform to the pattern of this world, for herein lies the evil, but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind.
The full implication of this renewal of mind is found in the light yoke of Christ, whose constitution contains Righteousness, Renewal of mind, Generosity, Gentleness, Meekness as well as the renunciation of self. The whole concept of the yoke of Christ is found to be attained  by focusing our mind on higher things. It is therefore true that all that we are is the result of what we have thought and according to Buddha, it is founded on our thoughts; it is made up of our thoughts and it therefore follows that if a man is happy, it is because he dwells in happy thoughts; if miserable, because he dwells in despondent and debilitating thoughts, for herein lies both good and evil.

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