Monday, 26 May 2014


Our humanity is our distinction from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is what makes us different from other living creatures.
It is this humanity that makes us living beings.
This distinction can well be traced from the initial stages of our creation where, according to the book of Genesis, in the Bible, we see in chapter 2:7, God breathing into the nostrils of that that He had created from the dust of the earth, the breadth of life, and man became a living being.
In the past, we have seen the heart, however, being referred to as the centre of our being.
Science has however come to show us that the brain is actually, the seat of our mind, while the mind is the centre of our being, since it is the mind that contains our consciousness, that gives us our reality.
The challenge that faces the human race, is in the understanding of this mind, that is so crucial, as to be the crucible that gives us our reality.
The mind is now known to be spiritual, it is the driving force behind our brains and is what connects our physical being to our spirituality- enabling us to enjoy, both creating as well as the created.
The mind, or the consciousness is the clever higher selves of our being that attracts the kind of thoughts that we harbor.
This attraction of thoughts is the mirroring of what we perceive through our mind's eye in the process that we call imagination. Imagination is imaging. This imaging is what we call thinking, for you cannot think what you do not see in the mind, with the mind's eye. Thinking, in essence is the seeing with our mind's eye and what we see is the image of the object of our thoughts.
When we first project this image in our mind, the image is not fully formed. I.e. it is not clear and is blurred. But the more we focus on the image, through constant thinking on the object of our thought, the clearer it gets. This focusing and refocusing is what we call meditation. It is also the spiritual praying without ceasing.
The concentration in the focusing causes a chain reaction in this realm of mind. The realm of mind, since it is spiritual is in the unseen. It is in the realm of the Alfa, the beginning of things.
This Alfa of things is so in that at this point the object of your thought has not formed. But your hearts desire, which is the object of your desire, has been given to you, the moment you projected and focused on your image as we have seen above. The  Alfa is the kingdom of God where everything originates. By virtue of our being able to get to this realm of God, through our mind or through thinking, we become co- creators with God. This is so in that we are able to call upon things that are not as if they were, just by mere thinking.
If we are to go by the Bible, we shall see that by virtue of being created in the image of God and in His likeness, we became god-men- co- creators with Christ.
The ability to co- create is made possible through the imaging that we are talking about.
The proper use of our mind can however be best utilized through the proper knowledge of this crucial aspect of our being. This is possible, only by seeking the right knowledge. Knowledge will in turn lead us to the truth and the truth shall set us free.
The understanding of mind is simple as it is the object that both gives us our reality as well as connect us with the kingdom of God.
The mind is in fact the kingdom of God.It is so in that upon focusing our objects of desire to the mind, we achieve results by the manifestation of the thing that we desired.
 In our ability to achieve anything we desire through the above process, we are hindered by man's greatest enemy, that prevent us from reaching our full potential- FEAR.
It is the fear of the unknown that hinder us from venturing to explore in this frontier of mind.
But if we are to focus on the origin of fear, we may be able to find it after the fall of man from the Garden of Eden.
We may also be able to discover something else of prime importance. The emergence of EGO.
If we try to analyze ego from the perspective of the yoke of Satan, we are amazed at the results we get.
We are able to then understand that ego is the evil that creeped into the  throne of our higher self after the fall, and took dominion of our being. As in a dictatorial regime where the dictator reigns and rules through instilling fear on the populace, this ego reigned and still reigns through the instigation of the evil that we call fear.
The ego can only reign in our lower selves, the plane that is of the physical. This is why Paul is telling us in Colossian3:2 to focus our mind on higher things.
We can only enable this focus by conquering fear, to venture into this frontier of the mind. For mind, which is also our consciousness as well as our will or the spirit of God in us is our all in all.

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