Thursday, 3 October 2013


In the last two years, I have found myself writing manuscript upon manuscript on different matters. After about twenty two years of self educating in Astronomy, Neuro- science, Science of Thought and religion, I found myself engulfed in a desire to write a book that would show the readers how to find the existence of God in science. Although the book is yet to be published, but it goes to great depths in science as well as the bible to show how it is that physicists tell us that in the most basic fundamental particle element that is the building block of all matter, which is basically a pocket of energy in its purest form, called a 'quark.' we live and move and have our being, whilst biologists tells us that through the intelligence in the trillions of cells in our body, we live, and move and have our being and the bible similarly tells us that through the Spirit of God in us, we live and move and have our being. The book raises to a crescendo when it shows that the greatest minds within the scientific community have had to use the power of their intuition to come up with theories which have been proved correct with a mathematical exactitude through observations as well as experiments. This intuition is similarly used in the bible to guide such prophets such as Elijah and it is what some people call the sixth sense, whilst others call it the voice of the soul and others still call it the voice of God.
This intuition is is again covered, in yet another yet to be published christian motivational book, on the power of the mind.
In total, I have managed to write four (4) books that are lining up for publications. The first on the line is a motivational book written in a story book format. The Book titled Jack Chicha with the character holding the same title is about a young man who was a day dreamer in his childhood and was regarded as a good- for- nothing child by his parents and friend due to his day dreaming tendencies.
The treatment from his parents and friend pushed Jack deeper and deeper into his day dreaming tendencies as it was his only way of finding solace in such a cruel world.
The tendencies were however mysteriously refined into visions and a strong desire to succeed and the boy is helped by an old lady who had features that gave her appearance of a twenty something year old lady. This lady was very godly and nobody knew her exact age and had no parents. She helped Jack and encouraged him in his dreaming tendencies, which saw him become one of the most intelligent people the country had ever produced.
Although his story is awash with vicissitudes of all types which saw the boy sake emplyment when he was only sixteen years old and travell from Central Province to Mombasa at the age of eighteen and then later to the United Kingdom at his early twenties, the boy comes back to his motherland and is invloved in advising the new crop of leaders in Kenya who uses his wisdom to turn the country into the most developed country in the world, within a period of twenty years.
The best of the books I have written so far  is a Christian motivational book which I have written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is a book about the power of the mind and how to focus our mind on higher things to attain the kingdom of God. The book also shows how we are able to use our mind to attain the highest epic of our consciousness in the realm of causes to call upon things that are not as if they were. It shows us how in this realm, we become the masters of our destiny and the captains of our souls by effecting on causes  to achieve anything we desire in our lives. The book leads us to the knowledge that the Garden of Aden was contained in the mind and that this garden has been reinstated by Christ but only utilized by a few people.
The fourth book is about my near death experience which happened on the 23rd of April 2013. The book tells of how I struggled with death in my apartment in Kenya before I succumbed to death and left my body. It tells of the power of the blood of Jesus in that when I left my physical body, I became one with the Universal Spirit of all Life  and lost my free will but was given the power to desire anything and it would happened in an instance. I then desired to know if I would enter heaven. When I was shown of two things that would not enable me enter heaven, I invoked the blood of Jesus and declared that I had already been bought by the blood of Jesus and that I was not ready to die. I was given back my life and returned back into my body.

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