In the nature of my deep thinking, which is
based on focusing my thought forces on the higher self- my other personality, I undertake the journey to the interpretation
of the following verses by the Master who doeth all things well, in my pursuit for the truth. I have, in the process, come to the conclusion that if we
meditate upon the words that Christ has used to console and advise us, we shall
be amazed at the simplicity of what He is trying to tell us.
For example, when Christ asks us not
to be worried about our lives, He is referring to our physical lives- our lower
self, in that, He continues to elaborate on this reference by asking us not to
worry about what we shall eat or drink or put on our bodies. He confirms this fact by asking the crucial question on whether life is not more than
food, body and clothing.
Mathew 6:25-29: "For this
reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat
or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not
life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at
the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and
yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?
And who of you by being worried can
add a single hour to his life? And why are you worried about
clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do
they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory
clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the
field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He
not much more clothe you? You of little faith!”
This statement by the Christ is
today wrongly interpreted to imply that we should live in abject poverty, but
nothing could be further from the truth.
If we focus on the words of Paul
in Romans 12:2, we find that he is asking us to be transformed by the renewing
of our mind. But how exactly do we renew our mind? According to,
renewing the mind means to replace fallible worldly knowledge and logic with
the infallible logic of God's truth.
This is what Paul, in Ephesians
4:23 terms as “to be made new in the attitude of our mind.” This means that we
must keep tab of our thinking. We must keep our mind focused on the principles
of Christ and must constantly reject temptations to conform to the world, which
implies lower self, or the body- the physical.
When we focus on the principles
of Christ contained in His yoke, we find them to be composed of righteousness,
purity of mind, gentleness, generosity, meekness, love as well as self
These principles are clearly
achieved by focusing our thought forces on the kingdom of God, which is found
in the higher self.
The higher self is itself our
spirituality, for it is composed of the attributes of God in us- the likeness
and image of God in us.
Our likeness with God is our
consciousness that gives us the ability to think, whereas the image of God in
us is His Spirit which forms our higher self.
It is notable; therefore, that
Jesus is advising us not to focus our thought forces on anything that is not
contained in His principles. The attainment of these principles is realized by
focusing our mind on higher things.
It also means that physical life,
as in what to eat, what to wear or drink and in fact the body, is secondary to our point of focus.
The point of focus in this case is
God, the origin of all these things that manifests into the physical realm,
including the lilies of the field and the clothing of the grass.
The full implication of the
above statement by Jesus is best understood through the knowledge of the
principles contained in the law of cause and effect.
This is so, in that what Jesus
is warning us against, as found in the law of cause and effect are the dangers
of focusing on effects which are found in the lower self. Instead, He wants us
to reflect on something much higher, but something not in the seen, for
according to Paul in 2 Cor. 4:18, “what is seen is temporary while what is
unseen is eternal.”
We all know that what is unseen
can only be achieved through the power of faith. No wonder then that Jesus is
concluding the statement by accusing us of our little faith.
When He says that God will cloth
us even more than that which is there today and tomorrow is no more, He is
seeing into the cause of effects.
The truth in this is found in
that Jesus has not stated that we shall not need to eat, drink or cloth our
bodies. Not at all. But He states that when we improve on our faith, God will
supply us with all these things.
This is so in that the body
needs all these things. But Jesus shows that there is a system to be followed
to achieve all these things necessary for our bodies without conforming to the
world in the process. This is also what it is to live by the Spirit and,
according to Galatians 5:16, we shall then not gratify the desires of the sinful
In Mathew 6:33, Jesus is telling
us, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added to you.”
With regards to this statement
from the Christ, we know that the kingdom of God is in the realm of the unseen,
the realm of the spirit. This includes His righteousness.But we also know from Paul in 2 Cor. 4:18 that the unseen is eternal and the seen temporary.
“All these other things…,” which
shall be added to us, includes both the unseen and the seen, for it is in the order of things that the seen originates from the unseen.
So, Mathew 6:25-29 does not
imply that all of a sudden, the things that Jesus tells us not to be troubled
about are not necessary. Instead, it shows that they are all included in all
things that are added to us in Mathew 6:33 in the above order of things.
This is so in that, if it was
not the case, then the Christ would not have gone ahead to emphasis on how much
more God would cloth us, before challenging us on our little faith.
Mathew 6:25-29 would also have been
in conflict with Mark 11:24. This verse encourages us to pray for anything that
we desire, emphasizing that it will be given to us, as long as we believe.
But the crux of the matter is
found in the requirement to seek the kingdom of God first. We have seen that
the kingdom of God is found in the realm of the unseen, which is also the realm
of the spirit.
We have also seen that this
kingdom is found by taking on the yoke of Christ, which is achieved by focusing
our mind on higher things.
This higher thing is also found
to be at the realm of thought, which is also in the unseen. The connection
between the two realms is found to contain the unifying factor between God and
man in our consciousness giving us what we term as reality. It is no wonder
then that Christ and later Paul are urging us to focus on higher thing as the physical
reality is unimportant.
Physical reality is unimportant
in the sense that it is just a reflection of our thinking making its essence
secondary. It is therefore crucial that we concentrate all our thought forces
on the primary aspect of our intrinsic being, which is found in the application
of positive thinking, in order to have the kind of physical reality that befits
Upon engaging in right thinking,
we in essence enter the realm of causes- the kingdom of God. At this realm, we
become one with God. Here, we are at the alpha of things. Being one with God,
we are given the key to this secret place. We are now able to use our thinking
to trigger into action the energy that combines the right ingredients for the
substance of any things that we hope
for, through the immutable law of attraction. It is in this way that God will
cloth us more than the grass of the field and reward us according to our faith.
In this realm of thought, we
shall have found the dwelling place of the Most High and will rest in the
shadow of the Almighty, according to Psalm 91:1. In this realm, we are seated with Christ, (through whom all things came and through whom we live, who fills the whole universe, by whom all things were created and for Him, who is before all things and in whom all things hold together),
in God and are given the key to this secret place. Here, we find all power bestowed upon us, according to Job
22:28, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee -
Thou shalt form a purpose or plan, and it shall not be frustrated. It shall not
be opposed by the events of divine Providence, but whatever you undertake shall
According to the revelation
found in 1 Cor. 2:6-16, we have been given the Spirit as well as the mind of
Christ which is hidden with Christ in God according to Colossians 3:3. With
this revelation, we then realize our immortality, which is confirmed by the fact that we have been given
fullness of the Deity in Christ, according to Colossians 2:10.
Since immortality cannot be
based on the past or the future and nor can it be restricted in time or space,
it means that we are already immortal. All we need to do is to use our consciousness to reclaim our immortality in the here and now and
take our position in the realm of the kingdom of God through our omnipresence,
omnipotence as well as omniscience even as God visits us in the cool of the day
at the spiritual Garden of Eden, and whispers to us in His still, small voice that we call intuition.
In this way, we shall live our
lives and live it in abundance, for it is for this reason that Christ is come,
according to John 10:10.