Friday, 21 February 2014


With the development of the most powerful microscopes and the advancement in computer programs as well as the advent of the most powerful telescopes, we can now see the fundamentally weird nature of physics from the infinitely small units in the smallness of the quantities, at sub atomic level,  that transfers energy and are able to clearly understand and make good use our understanding of curvature of space and time and the immensity of the speed of light in a wide variety of ways.
Science’s adventure into hitherto undreamed- of new frontiers in the field of astronomy has brought us to the wondrous spiritual science, which has enabled us to understand that, whereas the study of the largest, also known as  relativity and the study of the smallest, also known as quantum mechanics were previously seen to violate common sense during the time of the two great giants of science- Newton and Einstein, it is now almost common sense that this is simply so because we live our entire lives in a tiny corner of the universe, in a sheltered world where velocities are low compared to the speed of light and objects are so large that we never encounter small packets of action or process in the smallest unit or quantity that can be associated with a single event in the microscopic world in our day to day lives.
However, these limitations are being shattered and crashed to the ground on a constant basis with each new adventure aided by the most powerful microscopes as well as the most powerful telescopes, as we get closer and closer to understanding the Mind of God, as He continue to reveal himself to humanity. Something which we are told in Romans 1: 20, that God has been doing since the creation of the world by revealing his invisible qualities as well as His Divine nature.
It would be very interesting to contemplate the actual deep-seated meaning of the words ‘invisible qualities.’ Quantum science or spiritual science will be found to be the sure way of seeing the ’invisible’ qualities of God, for these are qualities that are not visible through the human naked eye.
As we get deeper into how we find God in science, we shall have to expound more deeply into the scientific meaning of verses from the bible which proclaim that nature reveals and declare the very essence of God’s being- His glory.
A good example to such revelation is found from Psalm 19: 1-3 where the bible says that, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.
This is why it is important to go deep into the spiritual science to understand the relationship between what scientists are finding out there, in relation to such verses as the one above.
If we look deep into the definition of the word glory, we find that it also means splendor or magnificence. The splendor of something is its beautiful and impressive appearance. The splendor of the rays of the sun is therefore in its glow which is caused by nuclear fusion. This nuclear fusion is caused by the energy contained in the very basic fundamental element that we are told are pockets or vortices of what scientists call "quarks." It is therefore true to say that this energy is in essence what the heavens declare when they glow. This glow is therefore in turn the glory of God declared by the heavens. It is true that this glow- the glory of the heavens have no speech, uses no words and no sound is heard from them. This fact is scientifically proven through the spiritual science!
But it is important to note that this splendor; this glory is an attribute of all matter which is contained in the beautiful and impressive appearance of all that is created. We however find that the bible declares that all glory belongs to God. From what we now learn from science, and if we are agreed that the energy that make up all matter is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, then we are all agreed that all the glory from all matter belongs to God as He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

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