Friday, 14 February 2014


It is common to hear it said that reality is a product of our imagination.
This common aphorism is so true in the sense that out of the heart are issues of life. It is also supported by the dictum that says, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
The heart has been used to imply the centre of our being,since time immemorial.
Today, through the use of modern technology, scientists are able to tell us that the heart is nothing more than a mere muscle whose work is simply to purify and pump blood to all parts of the body.
The brain in turn has been depicted to be more superior than this part of the lower body. It is now known to be the seat of the mind.
Its work is to control all organs of our body, ensuring that we move and do all the things that we do, during our daily chores. It also ensures that the body is fed and taken care of in countless number of ways, so that the body, which is viewed as simply a carrier for the brain can continue to serve it.
As we have seen above, the brain is in turn the seat of the mind. The work of the mind, which is now believed to be the centre of our being, is to process thought forces, which are transmitted to the brain as electrical signals and are sent to all parts of the body, through the celebro spinal system.
So, imagination is a part of the thought arresting system that concentrates our focus on the thoughts we desire to image in our mind, based on our mental attitude, which are then processed by the brain and distributed to our bodies to manifest into the physical reality.
But there is the crucial aspect- intuition that has played a very important role in the minds of a few that we call geniuses who have aided the world in inventions and discoveries, which has culminated into all aspect of advancement witnessed in the world today.
In one of my previous blogs titled, "The Secret of Intuition," I showed how great men of history as well as those still living who are the makers of the world, have used the power of intuition also referred to as the sixth sense, or the voice of reason or the voice of God, through the use of their imagination, to bring all the advancements that surrounds us all over, today. It is therefore said that the world is a better place because they lived.
So we can see how crucial these two aspects are and how they affect our reality.
But there are other ingredients that are equally important in the process of what we come to see as our reality. These aspects includes desire and concentration. I have deliberately omitted vision since it is a part of imagination. This means that in order for you to imagine something, you must create a mental vision of its object. You must then use the power of concentration through desire to keep the vision real.
This fits in very well with the teaching of Christ when He said that, "What thing  soever you shall desire, when you pray, believing, it shall be given to you."
    Through desire and your imagination, you creates a mental image, through visualization of the object of desire and through concentration on this focus of desire, which is in essence what it is to pray without ceasing, you believe, through visualization of the object of desire, by way of concentration, until it forms in your mind as real. The laws of nature are then forced to kick in and act in their mysterious ways to bring your object of desire to physical manifestation. This is when it is said that the whole universe has conspired to help you.
This process is aided in its materialization, from inception, by the power of faith. But what is faith, but the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
The above sentence is so deep that it begs for an analytical interpretation in order for us to truly comprehend it.
So, if faith is the substance of things hoped for, and since we know that hope is simply a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, when you desire for something then, you automatically develop an expectation for it to happen, which builds the hope to achieve it. When you have built this hope, the substance of the thing you hope for is immediately established. This substance, which is the evidence of what you have hoped for is still not seen, which means that it has not manifested into the physical yet. It means that it is there and has already been given to you, but it is still so, in the spiritual ream- the realm of the unseen.
It is now through the aspect of concentration that it starts to manifest into the physical.
This concentration is in the mind. It is the continuous seeing of the thing you prayed for with the mind's eye. This process is what in essence it is to pray for your object of desire without ceasing.
But the key to all this is the voice of reason- this voice of God, also referred to as intuition, guides you to the application of the whole process. 


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