Monday, 30 June 2014


It is scientifically proven that the universe is governed by a set of principles or law. Whatever the nature of these principles may be, anyone can understand them as long as one takes time to investigate them.
It does not require an unusual degree of intelligence to investigate and apply any of these principles, but just a practical application of what we know in order that we may increase our knowledge.      
The knowledge of Mind is the knowledge of the First Cause. This First Cause is the cause of everything or rather the origin of everything in the entire universe. First Cause is also Spirit. Other names used to describe this Force or Power are invisible Essence, ultimate Stuff, Cosmic Consciousness and Intelligence. It is the Essence from which everything comes, the Power back of all creation. This is the knowledge of God.
This is the knowledge on the philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time and space.
This is the knowledge of metaphysics.
The science of metaphysics may be considered too abstract, but all principles that it covers are intangible and only the effects in their applications are tangible.
Principles are forever hidden from the human eyes or the physical reality. They are the embodiment of the laws governing the tangible things- things that we see, and which we call matter. These are the things that St. Paul tells us that they are temporary. They are what the law of cause and effect refer to as effects. The Law itself is Spiritual. It is Spirit. It consists in things not seen, which according to St. Paul, are eternal. This Law is the Subjective Mind of the Universal Mind. It works with the Objective Mind whose constitution is Love. This Law is the cause of the physical things that we refer to as effects according to the law of cause and effect.
Our consciousness is awe inspiring. Our thinking enables us to appreciate Life and realizes the power and potentiality It contains. Though we may never comprehend the full implication of the possibilities of this potential and power, yet we do not cease to be amazed by the vastness of this consciousness, which extends to every form of creation as well as its unlimited possibilities in man.
Our understanding of this consciousness is made possible through the consciousness itself that is within us and that make it possible for us to think. This consciousness is represented by what we call mind.
Mind itself comes under two classifications; one the conscious and the other subconscious. This classification does not, however, imply that there are two forms of mind, but rather, two names of mind.
These two names of mind simply describe two states of consciousness. One consciousness- the conscious is also known by the name objective mind. This is our conscious use of the mind. It is what we use to process and analyze our thoughts.
We all maintain our identity in the law through our personal application of the Subjective Consciousness. Equally, we draw from Life according to what we think into it, through our subjective mind. Through the right application of this law that is life, we learn how to truly live. We become the masters of our destiny and the captain of our souls. It is through the right application of the law that the promise by the Master is attained: “What thingsoever you shall desire, believing, when you pray, it shall be given to you.”
This is so in that our thoughts enter this medium- the Subjective Mind, which is Infinite in Its ability to do and to be, through our subjective mind and are projected in form- behold our prayers are answered!.


Prayer is defined as an earnest hope or wish. 
Based on our understanding of the science of hope and wish, we know that we cannot hope for something that we have not thought of, similarly, we cannot wish for that that we have not thought of.
It is also clear that we constantly think of what we hope or wished for in the practice that we call prayer.
A prayer can then be defined as a movement of thought within the mind of the one praying. A prayer is not spontaneous but is specific, prayed along a definite line of meditation and focused on a specific object of thought. The activity of prayer occurs in the conscious mind which impresses the content of our prayer to the subjective mind.

Sunday, 29 June 2014


The greatest discovery of all time is the discovery of mind.
Since this discovery, it has become clear that mind is all that we are. It is what gives us our reality and this reality is based on our consciousness, i.e. our ability to think.
Much is known about mind in how it works and how we may use it positively to our benefit. But no one, not even the greatest thinkers know what mind is.
Science today tells us that the universe is permeated by a Creative Intelligence that is responsible for the creation of all matter.
They also tell us that this Creative Intelligence is Conscious and is in a state of flux. It is everywhere present, all knowing and all powerful.
It is around us; It is in us and we are a part of It
This Creative Power is what some call Mind while others call It God. Others call it the Over- Soul, while some call it Eternal Spirit and still others call It Causation.It is also referred to as First Cause.
It is today believed that we are a part of this Mind, but in individualized form. Though individualized mind we are, but we are not individual minds. This, strangely as it may appear, is so in that our mind works in tandem with this Universal Mind.
The Universal Mind is Infinite in that it is beyond our grasp and permeate the entire universe. This Mind is a state of consciousness.
Though the state of  consciousness is described by the application of two names: the objective or conscious and the subjective or subconscious, there are not two minds but one.
In the human side of mind, we think of the conscious state as our conscious use of the mind- hence objective.
The objective mind is responsible for analyzing and verifying our thoughts. It is upon this verification and confirmation of thought by our objective thought that the thought is passed on to the subjective mind, which has no volition and acts upon whatever it is passed on to by the conscious mind.
The subjective mind is believed to be the mental law of our being as well as the creative factor within us.
Subjective mind and its mode of action works out the will and purpose of our conscious thoughts. It is also believed that our subjective mind does not work independently but that it is a part of the Universal Subjective Mind, which is the seat of all mental law and action, and is the Servant of the Eternal Spirit.
This understanding leads us to the believe that man has at his disposal, through this subjective mind, unilinited power to achieve anything that he sets his mind upon. This realization fits in very well with the teaching of the Great Master who stated that if we have faith that of a mustard seed, we may command a mountain to move yonder and go to the sea.
This is so because our subjective mind is one with the Whole on the Subjective side of Life. Therefore, man's thought, falling into his subjective mind, merges with the Universal Subjective Mind, and becomes the law of his life. through the one great law of life..
In this regard, we may then come to the vital conclusion that there is not two subjective minds in the universe, including our subjective mind, but there is one Subjective Mind, and that what we really call our subjective mind is really the use we are making of the One Law. The application of this Subjective Mind in the achievement of the objects of our thought is found in the Masters command to all those that He healed, wherefore He said to them,"According to thy faith..."
It is impossible to plumb the depths of the individual mind, but one thing is clear, there is one mental law in the universe, and where we use it, it becomes our law because we have individualized it.


Saturday, 28 June 2014


Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Scientists and philosophers tell us that a man's character is shaped by his thoughts as well as the environment.
Whereas environment may play a role in the shaping of our character, our thoughts, based on our mental attitude have a bigger role to play in the mould.
The importance of thought in the moulding of our character cannot be gainsaid. 
Based on thought man is either happy or miserable. He is the perpetuator as well as the creator of his destiny.
If thought is the ingredient upon which the effects that we call happiness or misery originate, then it becomes clear that it is through internal conditions that we mould our characters.
It then shows that environment has very little role to play, if at all,in the great task of moulding our character. It also shows that the cause of man's happiness is neither deity nor the devil or circumstances, but his own thought.
Happiness and misery are therefore effects of something else. This something else is the thought. The effects that we call happiness or misery (unhappiness) are therefore the manifestation of our thoughts.
The attitude of our mind determines how we conduct our thoughts, or the kind of thoughts that we allow to take form in our mind. It is upon the kind of thoughts that we allow to take form in our mind that is born the effects that manifest as happiness and unhappiness in the physical plane of life.
This knowledge is very important to our advancement as well as our development. It is crucial because it shows us that there is hope in as much as we can change our causes.
Although it is clear that we cannot change effects of our thoughts, but we have power beyond measure to change our active thoughts, hence, acting on causes of our future happiness and unhappiness.
It becomes clear that based on the kind of thoughts you harbor, you become.
This knowledge brings us to a crucial realization that we cannot obligate effects of our thoughts, but we can alter the causes of our thoughts by reversing the way we think, or rather, the kind of thoughts we allow in our minds and only allow positive thoughts, which in turn gives us a positive mental attitude.


The bliss of life is attained through the practice of divine goodness. Divine goodness is a requirement deed of every human. The divine goodness leads on to the human virtue which in turn leads on to transcendent virtue. Transcendent virtue leads on to Truth.The divine goodness is the pathway to the knowledge of Truth and this pathway is known as the Divine Way. It is, however, not a means to an end as Truth itself transcends it upwards and beyond, to infinity.
The Divine Way, is simply that. It is the Way to the attainment of true virtue that is only attained through the practice of divine goodness.
Man aspires for transcendent virtue, but only a few arrive to its diadem- the beatific virtue. This is so because even though all in this course apply the aspect of doing good and are ardent to the gaining of personal heaven, yet have been found to fail miserably in the sacrifice of self.
The failure is attributed to the mistaken identity of transcendent virtue to the human virtue and therefore fail to enjoy the drink of water from the River of Knowledge that contains, amongst other ingredients, transcendent felicity; for to have transcendent virtue is to have transcendent felicity.
Man is obliged to eradicate this error with the sacrifice of self to enjoy in the attainment of the transcendent felicity of virtue.

Friday, 27 June 2014


Life consists of a duality. This duality is based on the principle of the law of cause and effect.
As in the law of cause and effect is the spiritual reality as well as the physical reality in the duality of man.
In the law of cause and effect, the cause manifests into the effect.
Similarly, in the duality of man, the spiritual reality manifests into the physical reality.
Man operates from the spiritual reality to the physical reality. The physical realm of man is a reflection of his spiritual realm.
But since the fall of man from the Garden of Eden, man has been engulfed by a lie which make belief that he operates from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Nothing could, however, be further from the truth.
The misconception of the facts of  our priority in the two realms is caused by our ignorance, whose hallmark is error.
Today, man is coming to find the midway between the hell of ignorance and the heaven of truth. In this vital realization of  the midway between the two extremes is found the purgatory of transmutation.
This purgatory is not a speculative purgatory beyond the grave, but it is a real purgatory in the centre of our being.
The purgatory transmutation is operated by a separating and purifying fire, which works to sift the base metal of error and leave the gold of truth in its wake.
It is not until the temptation of man culminates in sorrow and deep perplexity that he strenuously strive for deliverance only to find that his thraldom is in himself and that instead of fighting against outer circumstances, he must alter his inner conditions. 
The temptation that must befall man is the crossroad between noble and base desires. The noble desire is attained in the focusing his mind on higher things in his endeavor to the attainment of truth while the base desire is the evil spirit that enslaves man to the law of sin in the lower realm of self.
The causation of the noble and base desire is clouded in the prevailing ignorance of man's mental knowledge of the journey to the truth, which he must make.
It is in the struggle of mind that man wakes to the realization that he must deal with inner conditions.
This realization, in turn, brings about the knowledge of the mental cause of this evil that is otherwise known as temptation, and the knowledge of the mental cause of temptation leads to the transmutation of thought, and the transmutation of thought leads to the deliverance of the bondage of error into truth.
The preliminary struggle of mental causation, which eventually leads to the necessary deliverance of the bondage of error is the pathway that leads to the knowledge of truth in the life of man.

Thursday, 26 June 2014


There is a dark world where the unwise live and die.
This dark world is the underworld of primeval jungle of the human mind where inhabits; roaming, devouring and devoured, in rank; brute forces and blind, unreasoning impulses, whose governing principle is contained in passion.
There are chilling swamps  and concealing darkness, in this underworld of the mind, where creatures of this sunless world crawls and reign supreme in the centre of man's being.
These creatures are easily identifiable as lust (sexual immorality), impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; fits of rage, discord, hatred, covetousness, pride, vanity, greed, revenge, envy, spite, retaliation, slander, backbiting, lying, theft, deceit, treachery, cruelty, suspicion and jealousy.
These creatures constitutes of the brute forces that inhabits the mind of man in the lower self of his being. Beyond these brute forces and blind, there is no evil.
These blind forces are wisely identified by St. Paul, in the Book of Romans, where he struggles with them in chapter 7 and realizes them as the slave masters of sin.
They are elsewhere in the Good Book of life identified as the heavy yoke of Satan.
St. Paul further depicts them as the sinful nature that desires what is contrary to the Spirit.
In this underworld, is the lowest level of human life and no one can descend lower.
The governor of this dark world is clearly identified as the EGO.
Ego is not a creation of God and only crept into the centre of the human mind after the fall from the Garden of Eden.
In this dark abode of the unwise, they live and die without knowing the peace and purity, nor the joy of that Divine Light which for ever shines above them, and for them, yet shines in vain in as long as it falls on their unseeing eyes which look not up, but are ever bent earthward- fleshward. 
It is of such people that the greatest teacher who ever lived talked about when He said that though they have eyes, yet they are blind.
But behold the salvation of the wise; who look up and their eyesight is restored.
These are the ones who are not satisfied with their ego and they bend their steps towards the upper world of peace, the light of glory of which they behold, at first afar off, but nearer and with evermore- increasing splendour as they ascend through the principle of the Christ, contained in His yoke that is light.
The constitution of this yoke is based upon the firm foundation contained in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, meekness,  faithfulness, gentleness, compassion as well as self renunciation.
Beyond this yoke of the Christ there is no salvation.



With burning brain and heart of hate,
I sought my wronger, early, late,
And all the wretched night and day
My dream and thought was slay, slay.
My better self rose uppermost,
The beast within my bosom lost
Itself in love; peace from afar
Shone o'er me radiant like a star.
I slew my wronger with a deed,
A deed of  love; I made him bleed
With kindness, and I filled for years
His soul with tenderness and tears.


The conscious mind is said to be the watchman at the gate in the realm of mind.
The conscious mind is the objective mind. Upon a thought force being processed by our consciousness, it is then passed on to the conscious mind.
The conscious mind exercises choice in the object of thought it will accept as true. Based on the power of thought, it is passed on to the subconscious mind, which is also referred to as the subjective mind.
The subconscious mind has no volition and works with whatsoever the conscious mind submits to it. This is based on the mental attitude.
The subconscious mind can, therefore, NOT go against any thought passed on to it by the conscious mind. It must however work under the immutable Law of Liberty.
Equally, the Universal Mind works with whatsoever object of thought passed on to it by our subconscious mind in a mirroring technique.
It is believed that the subconscious mind is the individualized Mind of God in us.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Reality is governed by a set of principles in its application. These principles governing the application of reality are intangible and only become tangible through the application, as what we call reality; the effects of which are the objectification of their causes. Reality is therefore effects of causes found in the principles that governs it. 
These abstract principles just are. They are of no effect as long as they are not applied, but they are Absolute in their effects upon application. They work, by nature, with a mathematical exactitude that leaves no room for error. The principles are subjective and are made objective through their applications. It is therefore true to say that it is in the application of these principles that their value consists. It is also true that reality is nothing more than the physical manifestation of these principles.
In the understanding of the process to the physical manifestation of these principles lies the knowledge of God, the Creator of the Universe, for He reveals Himself through creation. 
In the same way that we now understand that reality is based upon the principles that governs it, so is the Creator based on the Principle that governs creation. Put in a different way, it can be said that creation is the reflection of the Creator. It means that the Creator is in Abstract form in the realm of the unseen and manifests into objective, that we call creation- in the realm of the seen, through the application of the Principle that governs the creation. This Principle that governs creation in Its application is what we call Universal Law- the Spirit of God.
The Law just is and it is just. It is subjective and has to work with Its counterpart Love, which is the objective part of the Creator, to bring Itself into physical manifestation in what we see as the physical Universe- matter, which is what we call reality.


One of the greatest astronomers of the 21st century, George Lemaitre, A Belgium mathematician and Catholic priest who developed the theory of the Big Bang, which describes the beginning of time, taking place on "a day without yesterday," was once asked by the media on the conflict between science and religion. His reply shocked the scientific community and is a basis of quote to this date, thus: "There is no conflict between religion and science whatsoever, the bible does not purport to be a book of science, but Genesis simply shows us the way to our own salvation."
It is this same science, which today has brought the human mind to a realm where he now understands that the God of religion, the creator of the universe, is not a physical being seated somewhere in the physical heavens, which would otherwise depict Him as a god of the without, but has instead guided our mind to the vital knowledge of how it is that our God is the God of within.
He is the God of within on the basis that He is everywhere present- Omnipresent. The study of the smallest particles that are not visible through the naked human eye, known as 'Quantum Mechanics,' and christened the "Spiritual Science," as it deals with what Paul refers to as "...Things not seen are eternal..." has greatly contributed to our knowledge of the Omnipresence of God.
The scientific understanding of the fundamental building block of matter is a very tiny particle known as a 'quark' which is merely a pocket of energy in its most pure form. This particle is so small that it is measured in a system of measurement known by the name, 'nanometer,' where one nanometer is equal to a billionth of a meter.
What surprises the scientific community is the fact that this pocket of energy is everywhere present and is conscious as well as all knowing and is responsible for the creation of all the matter in the universe. It is constantly creating and is in a state of flux.
This energy is now known to be everywhere present- Omnipresent, all powerful- Omnipotent as well as all knowing- Omniscient. They also tell us that beyond this Energy, there is no other. It is in everything and is the back of everything.
Our understanding of the nature of the God of religion is that He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent as well as Omniscience.
If He is Omnipresent, then He has to be inside of this pocket of Energy also known as quark. If the quark is made up of Energy in its most pure form, then we may come to the conclusion that this Energy is the Energy of God. The two are synonymous. The Energy in the quark is God and God is the Energy in the quark.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


The Bible tell us that God is everywhere present, that he is all powerful as well as all intelligent; that is He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent as well as Omniscient.
The Bible also tell us that in God, we live and move and have our being.
The Bible also tell us that God is a Spirit and that He is Eternal.
God is the God of within.
The science that deals with the study of the smallest particle elements, also known as Quantum Mechanics, has on the other hand, advanced immensely in this science of the smallest particles that are invisible with the naked eye. This science has been christened 'the spiritual science,' due to the fact that it specializes in the study of the unseen.
Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:18 tell us that what is seen is temporary, but that what is not seen is eternal.
During our secondary education, most of us were told that the smallest particle element was the atom. As science advanced with the discoveries of more and more powerful microscopes that can magnify an object 20 million times, scientists realized that inside an atom were other particles known as electrons and protons as well as neutrons. They later came to the discovery of other smaller particles inside the protons, neutrons and electrons called quarks.
Today, a quark is believed, in the scientific community, to be a mere pocket of energy in its most pure form. This pocket of energy is, therefore, found to be an elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. 
This means that all matter is made up of this pockets of energy in its most pure form. This elementary particle is said to permeate the entire universe, meaning that it is everywhere present- It is Omnipresent.
This particle, which as we have seen above, is the fundamental constituent of matter, forms matter by joining with other particles of similar charge.
It can therefore be concluded that this matter is conscious and possesses intelligence to know what charge to join with to form the different types of matter that permeates the entire universe including all the living creatures as well as you and me- It is Omniscient.
The energy inside this pocket known as the quark is said to be in its most pure form. This shows that this energy is all powerful- Omnipotent.
It is also a scientific fact that it is through the energy in these pockets that we live and move and have our being.
 This energy in its most pure form is thought to be eternal. It is the cause of all that there is in the entire universe.This energy is in the unseen and is the most subtle power there is. Beyond this energy, there is nothing. This energy is within all and is the back all.
The description of the energy in the pockets of a quark fits squarely with the biblical definition of God. We know very well that the Spirit of God is the Energy of God. It is therefore clear that God is Energy. He is the most subtle Energy there is and is responsible for the creation of all the matter there is. He is therefore within all and is the back of all.