Wednesday, 25 June 2014


One of the greatest astronomers of the 21st century, George Lemaitre, A Belgium mathematician and Catholic priest who developed the theory of the Big Bang, which describes the beginning of time, taking place on "a day without yesterday," was once asked by the media on the conflict between science and religion. His reply shocked the scientific community and is a basis of quote to this date, thus: "There is no conflict between religion and science whatsoever, the bible does not purport to be a book of science, but Genesis simply shows us the way to our own salvation."
It is this same science, which today has brought the human mind to a realm where he now understands that the God of religion, the creator of the universe, is not a physical being seated somewhere in the physical heavens, which would otherwise depict Him as a god of the without, but has instead guided our mind to the vital knowledge of how it is that our God is the God of within.
He is the God of within on the basis that He is everywhere present- Omnipresent. The study of the smallest particles that are not visible through the naked human eye, known as 'Quantum Mechanics,' and christened the "Spiritual Science," as it deals with what Paul refers to as "...Things not seen are eternal..." has greatly contributed to our knowledge of the Omnipresence of God.
The scientific understanding of the fundamental building block of matter is a very tiny particle known as a 'quark' which is merely a pocket of energy in its most pure form. This particle is so small that it is measured in a system of measurement known by the name, 'nanometer,' where one nanometer is equal to a billionth of a meter.
What surprises the scientific community is the fact that this pocket of energy is everywhere present and is conscious as well as all knowing and is responsible for the creation of all the matter in the universe. It is constantly creating and is in a state of flux.
This energy is now known to be everywhere present- Omnipresent, all powerful- Omnipotent as well as all knowing- Omniscient. They also tell us that beyond this Energy, there is no other. It is in everything and is the back of everything.
Our understanding of the nature of the God of religion is that He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent as well as Omniscience.
If He is Omnipresent, then He has to be inside of this pocket of Energy also known as quark. If the quark is made up of Energy in its most pure form, then we may come to the conclusion that this Energy is the Energy of God. The two are synonymous. The Energy in the quark is God and God is the Energy in the quark.

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