Thursday, 30 January 2014


As man continue to unravel the mysteries found in the mastery of his own creation, one thing continues to beat all logic; that reality which makes us unique is a very tiny window contained only in this present second, which is our today, after which the previous second is history, our yesterday, stored in our memory and the next second is our future, our tomorrow, contained in our vision. 
This means that our consciousness which make us living beings, is contained in a very tiny miniscule  expressed in a timescale of a second.

It follows, therefore that, this second, our today, if well lived, makes every previous second, our yesterday, a dream of happiness and every next second, our tomorrow, a vision of hope. We are therefore advised to look well to this second, our today, for herein lies the foundation of our happiness or our misery.

In this our today, therefore, lies the basis of our mortality, which pertains to our physical nature. Whereas this is as true as day is to night, in our consciousness where our realm of thought is contained- in our mind, is our immortality; for in so dwelling in this realm of thought, time loses meaning and we become one with the timeless Deity. 

In immortality, the miniscule expressed in the timescale of a second that gives us our mortal reality is stretched, or in other words, inflated without limit, to give us our immortality. Thus, as in the suggestions made by physicists, on time travel, through the enlargement of the tiny wormholes, by a factor of many trillions, over their original size, our today, which is contained in this second is enlarged by the most powerful machine in the entire universe, our mind, in all dimensions to reach infinity, hence giving us our immortality. 



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