Thursday, 30 January 2014


Last Sunday would have gone on like any other usual business day. I had visited Mai Mahiu, an upcoming town in the Great Lift Valley of Kenya.
I was in the company of a long time friend whom I had not seen in about twenty five years. We had accidentally bumped into each other the previous day and after a short chat, had told him I was interested in a large farm of a bout 100 acres in the Mai Mahiu area for a solar harvesting project I was involved in.
So, later in the evening of that fateful Saturday, my Friend Kabui, called me with exciting news that he had found a land owner with the exact kind of land I was looking for. Furthermore, Kabui informed me that the farm was within the vicinity of the town. We agreed that he would set up a meeting with the owner and get back to me.
On Sunday afternoon, just as I was heading to my mothers home, I received a call from Kabui that the land owner was on his way to Mai Mahiu and would be glad to meet me in Limuru, on his way.
I was quite excited at the turn of events and asked him to confirm that I would meet his friend once he arrived in Limuru.
I was later introduced to Mr. Kiragu and was told he was the son of a former member of parliament, the late Frederick Kubai. I did not put much to this piece of information but I suggested, after a brief discussion that it would be good for me to visit the farm as Mr. Kiragu was headed there and being in Limuru, it would take us less than half an hour to get there.
We set of for Mai Mahiu and arrived in the farm precisely in half an hours time. We went to the fasrm and I was happy with what I saw. After going round the entire farm, Mr. Kiragu suggested we go to their hom, situated in the farm. We all agreed and set off.
When we went to their paratial home, being on a Sunday, we only found his son. It was, however, while we were inside the house that I saw one of the wall hangings a picture of the Kapenguria seven. I then saw a certificate given to Frederick Polwarth Kubuthu Kubai, EBS, CBS popularly known as Fred Kubai.
I was gob-struck to say the least. It was at this point that I realized I was in the Homestead of one of the greatest freedom fighters of our country!
His son took us to see his late father's mausoleum in the back yard. It is here that I leanred that it had been turned , by the Kneya Government in a national museum.

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