Thursday, 28 November 2013


JOE MWAI: A DEEP THINKER AND SEEKER OF TRUTH.: ON MATTERS RELATING TO EXPERIENCE: It is clear that experience is our most precious possession. Everything in the whole universe is resolved into our inward experiences. We ca...


It is clear that experience is our most precious possession. Everything in the whole universe is resolved into our inward experiences. We can define experience, in this regard, therefore, as a reflection of our own consciousness. This is so in that our consciousness which give us the ability to think, constitute our inward experience, attained in our thinking; for it is true that without this consciousness, there is no reality.  This thinking in turn, is the determining factor of who we are from within, which is reflected and mirrored in our outward lives accordingly. It is, therefore, clear why your mental attitude determines what you become and  reflects in your outwards experiences.
It is also true, to say that, all that we know is contained in our individual experiences and all that we will ever know must pass through experience before it can form in us as a part of us, in our individual worlds.
But to those who may read groom and doom in this knowledge can seek solace in the fact that, we have been given power over what we become, by our ability to control our thoughts. 
Thoughts alone, however, will not be enough to change our individual worlds. This is so in that our thoughts are generated by our desires and aspirations.
It is, therefore, important to harbor good desires and aspirations as they will help propel our thoughts to the innermost core of Mother Nature, where the thoughts are fertilized with the necessary blessings in order to manifest into their kind, in the inevitable law of reaction and, shape themselves in our outwardly life, in the form of our experiences. This gives credence to our credulity on the aphorism, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
In his book, Mind is the Master, James Allen says that, "Whatsoever you harbor in your inmost chambers of your heart will, sooner or later by inevitable law of reaction, shape itself in your outward life. The soul that is so impure, sordid, and selfish is gravitating with unerring precision toward misfortune and catastrophe; the soul that is pure, unselfish and noble is gravitating with equal precision toward happiness and prosperity."

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Last Sunday, the 24th of November 2013, I was seated in my apartment, in the evening, working on  my computer. I decided to visit my blogspot and go through my latest post. As the page was opening, the background of my home page came up and it took a bit of time to load the post. The background is an image of neurons of the human brain which have thought forces showing as red dots, representing electrical signals, inside each neuron.
As I gazed in this image, I accidentally adjusted my eyes and stayed my focus on these neurons. All of a sudden, I realized that the neurons were now showing in 3D technology.
I could not believe that suddenly I was watching the most beautiful 3D image in my life, without the aid of the 3D TV and the 3D special goggles. My laptop is an old HP ProBook 4310s that I have had for many years.

I realized that if I looked at the pictures in a certain way, they would become viewable in 3D. I am a fun of this 3D technology and whenever am in the UK, you cannot remove me from a 3D channel.
I quickly went to my pictures saved in my laptop and using the same adjustments of my eyes and voila,  I could view all the pictures I have ever taken in 3D. This was the most amazing thing to happen to me.
I then went into the internet and I could see all the photos of my friends in 3D. I went to youtube and the same thing was happening with TV as well as videos.
This is when I realized that I had stumbled upon one of the most amazing discoveries of our time. Come to think of it, people are paying thousands of dollars to purchase 3D TV sets plus special goggles to view movies as well as images in 3D and still its not all channels you can watch in 3D, yet here I am with just an adjustment of my eyes and brain, enjoying this wonderful technology at no cost at all.
I am yet to understand how to explain these adjustment so that other people can benefit from this new discovery but it is utterly, utterly amazing.
This is a new dimension in my understanding of the power of the mind. The images especially of a photograph taken appear frozen in time, but depending on the pixels of the camera used and the professionalism of taking the photo, the result is just amazing. When watching these in 3D, its like you are there but watching these from a window. It makes especially videos to appear live as if you are watching the whole thing from an adjacent window.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


...I dream...and dream...and dream... 

The dreamers...the Josephs...are the shapers of the world...the world is as it is with all its magnificence and splendor in the advancements witnessed today, because they I dream and dream and dream...but what is dream but the deep thinking or the focusing of thought forces into the infinite Mind of God...into the deep things of God... Is it not but the following of that small still voice, that some call intuition, while others call it the voice of reason and yet others, the sixth sense...that unerring voice of God in the depth of your consciousness that will guide you enter, ever so precisely with a mathematical exactitude that allows no room for error, telling you, pass here, go there...while always drawing you ever so closer and closer, to Him who is Worthy- the Infinite Source of All Life, making you His own amanuensis that others may be happy because you allowed yourself not to fear but to dream on, and like a mighty worrier, you beat all odds, along the way, in search for truth and in righteousness, in love and purity of mind dressed in gentleness, meekness, generosity, compassion and humility and guided by the renunciation of 'self.' you dared venture into the realm of the unknown and unearthed the truth that sets many free and are, yourself crowned, 'Mighty Man of Valor...' ...just because you allowed yourself to dream...
...and so i dream...and dream...and dream...

Sunday, 24 November 2013


I am inspired by the following poem by my inspirational teacher, James Allen, he says:

I followed happiness to make her mine,
Past towering oak and swinging ivy vine.
She fled. I chased, o'er slanting hill and dale,
O'er fields and meadows, in the purpling vale;
Pursuing rapidly o'er dashing stream.
I scaled the dizzy cliffs where eagles screams;
I traversed swiftly every land and sea,
But always happiness eluded me.

Exhausted, fainting, I pursued no more,
But sank to rest upon a barren shore,
One came and asked for food, and one for alms;
I placed the bread and gold in bony palms,
One came and asked for sympathy, and one for rest;
I shared with every needy one my best;
When, lo! sweet Happiness, with form divine,
Stood by me, whispering softly, "I am thine."


Bellow is one of my favorite poems form one of my greatest teachers in the science of thought. He is also my mentor and my source of inspiration through his literally works:

I sent my soul through the invisible,
Some letter of that after life to spell,
And by- and- by my soul returned to me,
And whispered, "I myself am heaven and hell."

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


It is said that all wisdom is contained in knowledge. It is also known that ignorance is the worst enemy of knowledge.
Our zeal for the search of truth should therefore be pegged on our thirst for knowledge. We have seen the advancement in the world today since man realized that the most powerful force is in the unseen. In the case of man, it is contained in our mental power which is creative power. In the past, this mental power was only used by a small group of people throughout history who have in turn changed the lives of billions of people throughout the world over the years.
So, we must engage in the study of our mental power. The study of our mental power give us more insights of our real selves and will see us get closer to knowing God, in that we are made in the image and likeness of God. It will then become clear to us that the more we understand ourselves the more we get insight and sagacity to the attributes of our creator.
The more we expose ourselves to these insights and wisdom of the creator, the more we understand the inner qualities of the great men of history who have helped shape the world in the advancement we thrive in today. In so doing, we shall realize that we all have this sleeping angel inside us who have guided these great men of history, through intuition, and shall strive to awaken buried talents, supplies, energy and vitality and all necessary forces and initiative to draw us closer to our evolution that is out there waiting for us to woe it to our advancement as fellow members of the human race. But evolution will open itself to us in direct ratio to the degree that we allow ourselves to evolve.
The fact that the human mind appears to be governed by a hypothetical nature that include intuitions, suggestions, suppositions and speculations, and seems to dominate the minds of such great men of history including scientists and have guided them with such precise exactitude to the discoveries of things that appear hidden from the human knowledge, is both astounding as well as fascinating. But it is in line with such aphorisms as the one found in the book of proverbs chapter twenty three verse seven in the Bible and used by James Allen in his book, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” It is also important here to reflect on the below quotation by James which bears great significance to the subject matter of the human mind through intuition etc. 

 Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: —
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass.


It is said that all wisdom is contained in knowledge. It is also known that ignorance is the worst enemy of knowledge.
Our zeal for the search of truth should therefore be pegged on our thirst for knowledge. We have seen the advancement in the world today since man realized that the most powerful force is in the unseen. In the case of man, it is contained in our mental power which is creative power. In the past, this mental power was only used by a small group of people throughout history who have in turn changed the lives of billions of people throughout the world over the years.
So, we must engage in the study of our mental power. The study of our mental power give us more insights to our real selves and will see us get closer to knowing God, in that we are made in the image and likeness of God. It will then become clear to us that the more we understand ourselves the more we get insight and sagacity to the attributes of our creator.
The more we expose ourselves to these insights and wisdom of the creator, the more we understand the inner qualities of the great men of history who have helped shape the world in the advancement we thrive in today. In so doing, we shall realize that we all have this sleeping angel inside us who have guided these great men of history, through intuition, and shall strive to awaken buried talents, supplies, energy and vitality and all necessary forces and initiative to draw us closer to our evolution that is out there waiting for us to woe it to our advancement as fellow members of the human race. But evolution will open itself to us in direct ratio to the degree that we allow ourselves to evolve.
The fact that the human mind appears to be governed by a hypothetical nature that include intuitions, suggestions, suppositions and speculations, and seems to dominate the minds of such great men of history including scientists and have guided them with such precise exactitude to the discoveries of things that appear hidden from the human knowledge, is both astounding as well as fascinating. But it is in line with such aphorisms as the one found in the book of proverbs chapter twenty three verse seven in the Bible and used by James Allen in his book, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” It is also important here to reflect on the below quotation by James which bears great significance to the subject matter of the human mind through intuition etc. 

 Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: —
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Today, as we strive for excellence, we cannot but be baffled by the seemingly apparent contradiction in the words of Peter found in the Book of Acts, that God is not a respecter of persons.
 I know that we try to look into many areas that will help us justify our current near hopelessness and convince ourselves that we are okay but nothing could be further from the truth. The bottom line is that the Westerners have evolved whereas, Africans especially, have maintained the status quo.
But we cannot benefit by trying to hide behind the veil. We must analyze our current situation with the soberness it deserves.
We must wake up to the reality of our situation and start asking ourselves the hard questions. We must also admit that something is terribly wrong with ourselves. Only then shall we be able to reflect on the path we have trodden and accept to retrace our footsteps in our bid to change this status quo; for we ourselves hold the key to our evolution and none other can turn on the ignition with this key, apart from ourselves, to convert victims to victors.
But to get to the bottom of the matter, we must start with the crucial question- is God really not a respecter of persons?
To understand this crucial question and get the correct answers to it, we must first of all look deep within ourselves and understand how we are created as well as made.
In my previous posts, I have stated that it is true that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. In regards to our creation, science has not been able to show that the Westerners are any different from us in the way we are made.
On the other, if we reflect upon Bill Clinton’s last address to the nation during his last term as the President of America, he said that he had hosted the leading scientists from all over the world and that they told him that they had done a research on the difference between black and white people and had come to the conclusion that all people are 99.9% the same.
What he did not say was that the 0.1% difference is the black man’s superiority to the white man. This is so in that whites have everything that blacks have but black have something that whites don’t have. This is the pigmentation. Whites have no pigmentation that gives the blacks their color. In this regard, blacks may be considered to be more superior to the whites. It is a proven fact that black people may sire white children but white people cannot sire black children.
I hope that the above reasoning which is backed up by facts will not be implied to depict me as a racist, but on the contrary, will help to highlight a simple scientific truth.
Based on scientific research, we know that internally, that is in the structures and composition of our body and brains, inside our skin, there is no difference at all.
So if we are not different at all in the inside, where do we fail then, whereas our cousins in the west seem to excel beyond measure?
Science as well as religion has told us in unison that what makes us different from other animals is our ability to think.
In turn, our ability to think is based upon our consciousness. In other words, our consciousness is what gives us the ability to think. Our consciousness is our Central Processing Unit (CPU) whose work is to process our thought forces.
Thinking is the process, through which our consciousness processes our thought forces and channels them to the reservoir (Mind) of God. These thoughts are the driving force behind our advancement based on their orientation.
The kind of thoughts that our mind processes is based upon our mindset. Mindset is defined as “the established set of attitudes held by someone.”
These established set of attitudes revolves around a scale of negative or positive mental attitudes.
I have been in and out of Kenya for the last three years now. During this time, I have spent most of the time here in Kenya.
I have interacted with people from all backgrounds and status in the country. I have also engaged them on a discourse in this topic and the majority of them have concluded that the problem with our people is the mindset.
 Mindset is crucial in any sphere of life as it enables us to set up values in the things that matters most to us. If our mindset is therefore inclined to the positive mental attitude, we put more values to things that are beneficial to the common good of all humanity. On the other hand, if the mindset is inclined to the negative mental attitude- me, myself and I, we put values to selfish things to the detriment of everyone else.
Our mindset also helps us to appreciate value in ‘principles.’ For example, based on our attitudes, we respect and appreciate the laws set up by the government and follow them.
With the right attitude, we are also able to appreciate scientific research that tells us that the whole universe is guided by a set of law; that without law, the whole universe would be awash with chaos. With the right attitude, we are also able to appreciate the significance of the fact that everything either in the seen or unseen is guided by a set of laws.
The law of growth state that you have to eat in order to grow, so is every other living thing. The law of gravity helps put all the planets and stars in their orbit. The law of electricity enables us to use electricity to our advantage.
Equally, the law of success requires us to have a positive mental attitude towards success. We also have other laws like the law of cause and effect; the law of abundance which is said to be an immutable law of the universe.
Other laws include the law of harmony. This law is said by the Master to be the greatest of all laws. It is also known by the term love or scientifically as the law of attraction. It is the law that binds everything together to form the matter that we see in the entire universe.
The law of harmony, for example requires that you love your neighbor as you love yourself.
This law is however only found in a positive mental attitude. Since a positive mental attitude is based on the established set of attitudes held by you and me and our mindset is based upon the inclination of our attitudes, then we can clearly see that the difference between the evolution seen in the west and the current situation in Africa is based on our way of thinking. This then is the missing link to evolution for the African people as well as other third world countries.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


The few paragraphs contained in part one of the insights on principles of success in the previous post contains all the principles needed to enable one to change his life from a no getter to a go getter.
All the motivational as well as inspirational speakers and writers the world has ever known have one thing in common. They have the same message, though given in various different forms.
In their different languages and forms, they are all saying the same thing. They are all telling us that mind is the master; that it is all in the mind.
They are also telling us that as man has two personalities or duality, so are there two different worlds in the life of man.
The one is the common world of the physical contained in what we see. This is the world most of us are familiar with. But it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that this world is just a world of effects. What I mean here is that the physical world that we see and all the things that we see are as a result of some action before they were. This something or action is the cause of all that we see. This is why all that we see with our physical eyes are said to be effects.
It is therefore important to understand the causes of these effects as it becomes clear that the effects cannot be more important than the causes as it is the causes that give us the effects.
It has also been proved beyond reasonable doubt that the causes of what we see as effects are not found in the physical world. The physical world is the world of the seen- it is the world of what we can see with our naked eyes.
But the world of cause is said to be the world of the mind. The mind is not physical. It is therefore unseen. You cannot see the mind, although you can see the brain.
The mind is spiritual. It therefore operates in the spiritual world. This spiritual world is also the world of thoughts. Thoughts cannot be seen through the physical eyes.
Thought is what differentiate us from Chimpanzee which is the closest animal to a human with its brain which is 98% that of human. The 2% difference is our ability to think. This difference however makes the two primates exponentially different.
It is this ability to think that gives man the two personalities or the duality. The ability to think is our power to call upon things that are not as if they were. It is due to this ability that man has advanced in ways thought unimaginable thousands of years ago.
So, we can now see clearly this duality of man. The one is contained in our nature in what we see, while the other is contained in our mind- in our thoughts. This means that one is physical while the other is spiritual.
Now, when we want to build a house, we first of all think about it before the thought can be brought into its physical manifestation through the construction of the building. But we also know that if the thought did not originate, the manifestation of the building could not have taken place.

To be continued…