Saturday, 16 November 2013


The few paragraphs contained in part one of the insights on principles of success in the previous post contains all the principles needed to enable one to change his life from a no getter to a go getter.
All the motivational as well as inspirational speakers and writers the world has ever known have one thing in common. They have the same message, though given in various different forms.
In their different languages and forms, they are all saying the same thing. They are all telling us that mind is the master; that it is all in the mind.
They are also telling us that as man has two personalities or duality, so are there two different worlds in the life of man.
The one is the common world of the physical contained in what we see. This is the world most of us are familiar with. But it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that this world is just a world of effects. What I mean here is that the physical world that we see and all the things that we see are as a result of some action before they were. This something or action is the cause of all that we see. This is why all that we see with our physical eyes are said to be effects.
It is therefore important to understand the causes of these effects as it becomes clear that the effects cannot be more important than the causes as it is the causes that give us the effects.
It has also been proved beyond reasonable doubt that the causes of what we see as effects are not found in the physical world. The physical world is the world of the seen- it is the world of what we can see with our naked eyes.
But the world of cause is said to be the world of the mind. The mind is not physical. It is therefore unseen. You cannot see the mind, although you can see the brain.
The mind is spiritual. It therefore operates in the spiritual world. This spiritual world is also the world of thoughts. Thoughts cannot be seen through the physical eyes.
Thought is what differentiate us from Chimpanzee which is the closest animal to a human with its brain which is 98% that of human. The 2% difference is our ability to think. This difference however makes the two primates exponentially different.
It is this ability to think that gives man the two personalities or the duality. The ability to think is our power to call upon things that are not as if they were. It is due to this ability that man has advanced in ways thought unimaginable thousands of years ago.
So, we can now see clearly this duality of man. The one is contained in our nature in what we see, while the other is contained in our mind- in our thoughts. This means that one is physical while the other is spiritual.
Now, when we want to build a house, we first of all think about it before the thought can be brought into its physical manifestation through the construction of the building. But we also know that if the thought did originate, the manifestation of the building could not have taken place.

To be continued…

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