Monday, 10 February 2014


The analysis of mind over matter is as deep- seated as the unseen over the seen, yet so easily assimilated in the human consciousness, if only we can aim our focus on the understanding of this realm that gives us our reality.
In my last blog, whose topic was titled 'The Secret of Intuition,' I stated that  since the subject is very deep, we needed to constantly visit and dissect it, until it became very clear to us on how this is so, by sounding the depth.
 But this was on the subject of the secret of intuition. Now, we are engulfed in a wider and broader spectrum of a topic whose diversity transcends the realm of the spirit- mind. It, thus, compounds all my previous blogs on the science of thought- our consciousness.
So, mind over matter is best depicted in the analogy of whole over part. Now you can understand the simplicity of what may otherwise appear to be rocket science due to its scientific and philosophical connotation, when the subject is stripped down to its simple and logical comparison.
The subject is then revolutionarily revealed to be quite simple, even though it has been coated with this terminology that made it appear so complicated to only be unraveled and enjoyed by a chosen few, who purportedly portrayed themselves as highly favored, with divine wisdom that miraculously enabled them to court the beautiful princess, otherwise known us Genius; only to find out that all they had done was to discover her simplicity, which entices anybody who cares to search, in the confines of their secluded places- their thought forces, after peering through with their minds' eye, to see her in her true radiance, arms stretched out, with a crown of greatness on her forehead, with woeing   inscriptions that says, "come to me, I am thine," and almost carelessly exposing herself to such a one who is attentive enough to hear her small still voice, also known as intuition, in the light of their mind, telling them, "go there, turn here..."
This act, she so artfully perform, while guiding her newly found, prince charming, to the Infinite Reservoir in the spiritual Garden of Eden- the Mind of God.
Here, unlimited amount of  knowledge awaits man to come and eat from the Lord's table, the knowledge base, based on the attitude of mind, necessary to bring to the world new discoveries as well as new inventions, the physical manifestation that forms the advancement, the characteristic of the world today.
With this detective unearthing of the simplicity of genius, the small society of elites, that has occupied the wide seat of reason and benefited immense recognition in the annals of history, with their names being written in golden ink, while hiding the simplicity of courting this princess, from the wider society, are today, at a great risk of losing their thinly veiled dignity, in their exhibition of synthetic modesty and decorum.
But a time must come when we must all understand how it is that God is not a respecter of persons, whomever we individually perceive Him to be.
The knowledge to this understanding is carelessly embedded in the altruism of the noble mind over matter at the simplicity of whole over part.
It is today being revealed, with a mathematical exactitude that leaves no room for error, in this princess of indescribable splendor and magnanimity, who just but sleep in each one of us, waiting to be stirred from slumber to lead us in the way of discovery and invention as well as the masterly of art, that the world may be a better place because each one of us lived and was crowned a genius in their own way, irrespective of our status in the society.

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