Sunday, 9 February 2014


In relation to our duality, we now know more clearly than ever before, how man, through the fall at the Garden of Eden, allowed the lower self to take dominion over the kingdom of his divinity, in his realm of the spirit.
Since as it is, the subject is very deep, we need to constantly visit it and dissect it, until it becomes very clear to us, how this is so.
With the few whom, in the history of the world, have been able to use the power of focusing their mind on higher things, we see the great advances they have brought to all humanity today. In fact, the world is a better place because they lived. As a result, their names are written in golden ink in the annals of history.
A brilliant example is Albert Einstein, who used intuition in all the discoveries he ever made. Similarly, Isaac Newton used intuition to come to the conclusion that if you throw a stone hard enough, it would not fall to the ground but will keep moving round the earth until it comes round and hit you at the back of your head. This discovery based on intuition, made Isaac Newton, to be the first person to understand orbits and how the moon, the earth and all other bodies of the solar system orbits around the planets as well as around the sun.
Today, there is no invention, no theory, no discovery that does not have its origin from man's intuition.
This intuition is what is also referred to as the sixth sense, or the voice of reason. It is also what is referred to by Christians, as the small still voice of God within us.
This voice is based in our secluded place, which is in our mind. This place in the mind is the abode of thought forces as well as the voice of reason. It is where we reason within ourselves, through our thoughts on anything we conceive of doing and determine, based on our mental attitude, the thoughts we allow to manifest in us.
Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of all ages and who is said to have brought forth the most amazing realities is said to have always visualized his inventions before attempting to work them out.
It is said that, having first built up his idea in his imagination, obviously through intuition, he held it there as a mental picture, to be reconstructed and improved by his thought.
Deep thinkers visualize things before they take any step. They use the power of their mind; guided by intuition, they idealize these things in their mind. Then they visualize in their mind the picture and by so doing, the mental picture becomes more and more clear and complete until they are able to bring it in its full glory, to its physical manifestation.
Herein, therefore, lies the secret of utilizing the potential power that lays dormant in each one of us. This power is guided by our sixth sense, or the power of reason. The power of reason or intuition, in turn, triggers the spirit of God in us, whose only response to our every command is, "your wish is my command."

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